Our Parish is committed to the well being and safety of the vulnerable in our parish and our communities. Every parish volunteer is asked to join in this commitment, to become educated and develop his/her awareness of how we can all participate and care for children and vulnerable adults. In accordance with Diocesan policies, ALL Volunteers must go through Safe Environment training.
Step One: Register on line at the link to the left of this box.
Download instructions (in PDF format) on process in English or Spanish.
Step Two: In the process of registering, take the class online (90 minutes) or sign-up to take a "live class" at St. Bonaventure's or surrounding parishes (expect the class to be 2 hours).
You can take the class ONLINE or at another parish. If taking at another parish, please let your ministry head know when and where.
PLEASE, NO CHILDREN UNDER 16 YEARS OF AGEAnyone wishing to report any allegation of sexual misconduct by any Clergy or Diocesan employee should contact the local authority, i.e. Police or Sheriffs Department, and also the Chancellor/Victims Assistance Coordinator of the Diocese:
Sister Dorothy Peterson
Victims Assistance Coordinator
Diocese of Oakland
2121 Harrison St., Suite 100
Oakland, California 94612-3778
(510) 267-8344
The Ministry for Survivors of Clergy Sexual Abuse was established from a dialogue between survivors and church leadership. This Ministry calls the Diocese of Oakland to address with integrity the harsh realities of sexual abuse in pastoral settings. Survivors of clergy sexual abuse, laypersons and clergy, work together to: empower victims to report abuse to local authority, i.e. Police or Sheriff Departments; support and empower survivors in their healing and promote acceptance of survivors; educate to transform attitudes and bring community awareness of the issues surrounding clergy sexual abuse; and create, sustain and insure implementation of policies designed to prevent abuse, and to hold abusers accountable. For more information, including information about a bimonthly support group, contact Survivor Advocacy at survivors@oakdiocese.org; (510) 267-8373.
If you would like to talk to someone at St. Bonaventure regarding issues around sexual abuse, our priests, Fr. Lawrence, and Fr. Ramon, are available for pastoral care and spiritual direction, or just to talk. (925) 672-5800.