Kairos Prison Ministry shares the love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ to incarcerated men, women, youth and their families. Kairos sprang from the Cursillo movement and is supported by volunteers from the 4th‐Day movements such as BonFire, and Cursillo, as well as other Christian volunteers. As a ministry, Kairos embraces a diverse group of volunteers working together to fulfill Christ's call to action in Matthew 25:36.
Inside prisons, Kairos Prison Ministry has a strategy to bring inmates to a 3½‐day program where they will receive the love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ. Kairos helps to develop a Christian community on the inside through a structured program of talks, mediations, chapel visits, music, and a lot of listening and loving.
And for adult females impacted by incarceration, Kairos Outside offers a comfortable, non‐judging retreat for women to support each other as they journey through the incarceration of a friend or relative. In this retreat setting, women with similar challenges share their common stories and draw on each other for strength, forming a Christian community.
Finally, Kairos Torch provides a safe place to the youthful offender for spiritual exploration. Torch offers unconditional love and acceptance in a Christian setting that encourages the sharing of one’s life journey through the mentoring of a mature, Christian volunteer to find a full life.
There are many ways to help with this very important, highly impactful ministry. Please contact Cindy Hamer, clhamer@sbcglobal.net to see how you can become involved!