If you would like a Daily or Sunday Mass said for a loved one, please contact the parish office at
(925) 672-5800 to check availability.
The Prayer Vine offers prayers for parishioners, families, and friends who are sick or have special needs. Requests can be entered below, left in one of the prayer boxes located in the church and chapel or by calling the parish office at (925) 672-5800. All prayer requests are kept confidential.
You can also be part of the Prayer Vine. Call the parish office and the Prayer Vine coordinator will contact you. This is a wonderful way of helping people through your gift of prayer.
Tuesday 4:30 – 5:30 PM
Wednesday 4:00 – 5:00 PM
Thursday 4:30 – 5:30 PM
Drive into the parking lot next to the rectory where volunteers will be eager to pray for your intentions. All are welcome.