God has blessed you with gifts that allow you to uniquely contribute to the full Body of Christ. You are valuable and needed in bringing Him to others in our parish community. Please consider offering your gifts in one of these areas.
**Reach out to volunteer@stbonaventure.net**
Adoration: assist with exposing and reposing the Blessed Sacrament for the Holy Hour in the chapel that follows Daily Mass
Adult Faith Formation: create, lead or participate in opportunities for adult formation as the Holy Spirit leads and the parish can offer such as book studies
Art and Environment Committee: create a visual reflection of the liturgical seasons through creative expression such as floral, sewing, painting and decorating
Bible Camp: bring together children from 3yrs old through teens on the 3rd weekend in June. Many hands make light work in the kitchen, decorating, preparing crafts, music, skits and more
Baptismal Coordinator: help set up for communal baptism, greet families and assist clergy. Usually scheduled on Saturdays
Catechist: opportunities to serve ages from pre-school through adults. Resources and training are provided
Cenacle Prayer Group: a faith-sharing group that meets weekly to pray for priests. (Meet Wednesday mornings)
Charismatic Prayer & Worship: worship includes singing, scripture readings, silent & vocal prayer including intercessory prayer (Held on Monday evenings)
Children’s Liturgy of the Word: offered at Sunday 9am and 11am Masses. Lead the children out prior to the 1st reading and return before the presentation of the gifts. Providing them God’s Word in an engaging way, materials and training provided.
Church Office Receptionist: warm, welcoming volunteers who greet visitors at our front office (English & Spanish opportunities)
Classy Crafters: create items for our November Craft Sale to benefit our Food Pantry. (Meetings on Wednesdays 10am-1pm)
Community Outreach: serve those in need in the community through non-profits such as Winter Nights, Loaves & Fishes, Birthright, and Gabriel Project
Condolence Ministry: offer sympathy to those who have experienced the loss of a loved one, sending cards and inviting families to our annual Mass of Remembrance on All Soul’s Day.
CYO: coaches and administrative support needed for CYO Basketball and Track
Deacon: men between the ages of 35 and 55 who dedicate their lives to ministry of liturgy, word, and service
Drive-Thru Prayer: pray with those who drive in seeking prayers. Location designated. Schedule varies based on the season
Eucharistic Ministry: participate at Mass by reverently distributing the Body and Blood of Christ
Facilities/Grounds Committee: assist with the care of our parish campus through advisement and/or hands on repair and maintenance as your skills allow
Finance Council: an advisory council to the Pastor on financial issues
Food Pantry: volunteer opportunities include picking up donated food from grocery stores, food bank, preparing for distribution, and/or distributing food on Tuesday mornings
Funeral Coordinator: meets with families to assist them in the preparation of a funeral and coordinates funeral liturgies
Garden Angel: care of the one-acre fully volunteer cared for garden located behind the church, hours and tasks are based on individual availability and interest. Training is provided
Giving Tree: organize gift needs, set up tree display, sort and deliver Christmas gifts for children in need
Graphic and Communications: assist with the design and creation of our promotional and communication materials (signs, flyers, paper bulletin, electronic bulletin, etc.)
Healing the Heart (Grief) Ministry: grief companions who know the value of having someone listen with their heart. Workshops scheduled through the year.
Homebound Ministry: ministers visit those who cannot leave home and provide prayer and the Eucharist. Training provided.
Hospitality Ministry: set-up, serve and clean for monthly fellowship after Mass
Knights of Columbus: membership-based organization of men who serve the parish, and the community, growing in faith together
Lector: proclaim bible readings during Mass, also includes reading the Prayers of the Faithful
Men’s Ministry: a faith sharing group of Men who meet weekly on Saturdays 8-9am
Ministers of Hospitality/Ushers: assist parishioners and visitors at Mass and with the collection.
Monthly Luncheon: join the team to organize and facilitate themed monthly luncheons
Music Ministry/Choir: sing in one of our choirs (9:00am Mass Choir, 11:00am Mass Choir, and Resurrection (Funeral) Choir) or share musical instrument talent at the 9:00am Mass
Ojala Ministry: a nonprofit organization that gathers adults and teens to build homes in Mexico for one week in the spring
Nursing Home Ministry: ministers visit residential care facilities providing communion service and/or the Eucharist (regularly visiting Diamond Terrace, San Miguel Nursing Home & Montecito)
Pastoral Council: an advisory council to the Pastor, advising on operational and strategic
Prayer Vine: group of parishioners who privately pray for people and intentions that are shared with them
Priest: a man who devotes his life completely in service to Christ and the Church as a celibate Diocesan or Religious Order priest
Prison Ministry: visit Marsh Creek Detention Center, providing Liturgy of the Word and Holy Communion. Requires orientation and security clearance. (Visits are Sunday mornings)
RCIA: welcome adults preparing to enter the Catholic Church. Opportunities available for catechists and for sponsors.
Religious Life: a vocation where men and women become Religious Brothers and Sisters and devote their lives to serve the Church in various ways
Respect Life Ministry: participate in various activities throughout the year that promote the sanctity of life from conception to natural death
Sacramental Prep- Children, Teens & Adults: catechist/teaching opportunities to prepare children and adults for Baptism, 1st Communion, Confirmation
Sacristan: responsible for the preparation and clean-up of items used in the celebration of Mass as well as overseeing and coordination of logistics and liturgical ministers at Mass
Small Christian Communities: facilitate the creation and support of new faith sharing groups
Social Activities Committee: plan, publicize, decorate, food prep and host parish social events as your gifts allow
Social Justice Ministry: develop and implement programs related to Catholic Social teachings
Sponsor Ministry: mentor teen Confirmation candidates or adults entering the Church or completing their sacraments of initiation
St. Vincent de Paul Society: volunteers who care for our neighbors with prayer, food, clothing and other assistance
Technology Support: opportunities include operating the sound board and computer at Masses, assisting with web site design, and promotional design
Web Site Design & Support: assist with the design and creation of our web site
Wedding Coordinator: assists with the logistics of the wedding rehearsal and ceremony
Weekend Greeter: be the first welcoming face as parishioners and visitors arrive at church entrances
Welcome Ministry: facilitate and organize the development of a ministry dedicated to welcoming newcomers
Women’s Ministry: women seeking opportunities to share their faith and support others in their seeking
Youth Ministry: drawn to the energy and curiosity of teens? We have two programs: Jr. High and High School (which includes preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation)
Young Adult Ministry: facilitate the creation and support of new ministry of outreach to adults in their twenties and thirties